Don Owens
22 min
45 Attributes of Growth
This year our organization celebrates 45 years in business. These are the attributes that made it possible for us to grow, exhibited in...
Don Owens
3 min
30 Years of Adventure with Danae
"Marriage is an adventure, like going to war." - G.K. Chesterton Thirty years ago I was standing on Camp Bowie Boulevard in Fort Worth on...
Don Owens
3 min
On Our Son's Graduation May 2017
I was overcome with joy when I learned Danae was carrying a son. The joy of knowing there may be a Donald Adair Owens IV to pass along...
Don Owens
4 min
Lessons on Business from “Lycidas”
Three poets changed how I see the universe: Boethius, Dante and Milton. John Milton is acclaimed as the greatest poet in the English...
Don Owens
4 min
A Life Changing Education – Our Reflections
Next month will end one journey for our family as our youngest will graduate high school. We were the crazy family that decided to home...
Don Owens
4 min
Alone In The Dark
I couldn’t find the trail as I moved through the trees. There were several boulders in front of me and after an hour of following a...
Don Owens
5 min
Virtue Without A Pedestal is Evil
Over the last few weeks my son and I have been reading the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. In part II of the book Franklin spends...
Don Owens
3 min
Growing Older – A New Frontier
At 46 I am not considered old in the current culture, however, I am getting there quickly. Each year there are new and unique trials:...